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    United States

Jennifer Livingston is a 43 years old.
Her passions in life are Mother Earth, crystals, art, modeling and caring for others. Her passion for others spreads love and light in a world that can be dark.

Born in Concord, Massachusetts she has traveled throughout the United States and now lives with her husband in New Hampshire.
With a passion for earth she takes pride in helping her husband wrap beautiful gemstones into miraculous custom jewelry designs that are sold throughout the world.

Giving back to others is no stranger to Jennifer. Her modeling career kick started with a charity walk to feed the hungry. Her career has snowballed to walking in New York Fashion Week and soon Paris Fashion Week while also being on the cover of over 14 magazines.
Excited to slay the runway for Charjean Couture Miami Fashion Jennifer is anxiously awaiting and counting down the days.
Her biggest motto is stay you, stay true & stay weird! Because someone once said
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
Oscar Wilde

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